
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lego Story

Once upon a time there lived an old man named Oli he had one son named Godfrey. One day Oli was sitting in his room thinking of a name for his toys and a truck came past and it said Lego so Oli named his new toys Lego.

The main characters were Oli and his son Godfrey. They loved to make toys to sell to other people. The made the toys at their house in the middle of a field. The story was set in the olden days because in all the scenes it was filled with old houses and the characters were wearing old fashion clothes.


Monday, November 26, 2012

Jesus Promise

Jesus I promise that I will follow the 10 commandments
and love our neighbours for being kind to us.
I promise that I will respect everyone especially my parents who love me more than anyone else. I will always use my virtues to other people so that they can follow the good things I do, I will be friendly to my friends and to other people I don't know. I will always Obey God because he sacrificed his life on the cross for our sinning.
I will always go to church to pray to God not go to church and play because that is just disrespecting God in church if you play instead of pray.
I will never break Jesus Promises anymore.                                             

Typing Challenge

Typing Test
Visit the Typing Test and try!

For the past few weeks room 3 have been doing typing practise and alot of people have been in the 40s and 30s but I got 50, that was my best score so far,  

Friday, November 23, 2012

Narrative Writing

1) What is a narrative?
A made up story
2) What is the main purpose for the beginning of a narrative?
Explaining the person.
3) What is a dilemma?
A dilemma or problem which disrupts the normal life or comfort of the characters and set of a sequence of interesting events.
4) What are three sentence starters that you could use in a narrative?
First, Next and after
5) What should be in the ending of a narrative?
A description of the final outcome.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Maths Book

Monique & Rachel
For the last few weeks me and my partner have been working on our Maths Toondoo book for our soulfriends from room 4. We have put alot of equations in this book. Check this out.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Favourite Food Rap

My favourite food is Ice cream, and it makes me scream steam.
When I eat fast I always say brain freeze
Ice cream is so sticky but you know its alright
There are so many flavours chocolate vanilla ice cream.
I eat ice cream in a cup that I always say sup.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Smart Learner

By being a smart Learner you have to concentrate on the work you are doing, also you should always keep on the right track when it is time for you to be learning. You will have to obey the rules when it is time for learning. Listen carefully when the teacher is talking because you might not know what to do ,and when you go to start your learning you might have to go back to the teacher and ask her “what do I have to do?” You always have to use your virtues when you are working with another person instead of screaming to them when they are right next to you. Always have your stuff ready before you start learning, you always must have a pencil before you start doing your work.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Manaiakalani film festival

On Wednesday the whole school went to the Hoyts at Sylvia Park to watch the Manaiakalani film festival with schools around the cluster. Before we went to Sylvia Park we had morning tea early and we had to line up in our class lines so that we could go into the bus together. When I was in the bus I saw the moon in front of the sun and it got sort of dark but not really dark.

When we arrived to the Cinema I ran to the back to get a good seat so that I could see properly. I was really happy that I was there watching movies that other schools made. When everyone was seated Mr Coakley introduced us and then we started watching the movies.

My favourite movie I watched was ‘Be Happy’ by Aleina and Ofa at SPX. They had their own piece to sing and Aleina sang really good as well as Ofa. I liked Ofa when she sang the rap to the song.

I was so happy that I went to Sylvia Park I had a great time there with the whole school. I am really looking forward for the next Manaiakalani film festival next year.

Friday, November 9, 2012



To be a good Sportmanship you will have to play fair and dont let you team down, be kind to your team mates. Help on another so you wont get in trouble from the teacher.
Dont cheat in the game other wise you will not have a good time outside, never fight with team mates. Have a good time in sports and never get in trouble because you will get upset from not playing fair. That is why you always play fair and have a good time when you play.Be helpful with your friends in the games you play

Monday, November 5, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Duffy And The Best Book In The World

Today we had a special Duffy theatre with the actors named Marvel, Duffy and Scruffy.

I really liked the Duffy theatre. While I was watching I felt like laughing all the time but I was scared I might get in trouble. When Scruffy came out from behind the boxes he did the Gangnam style moves and everyone was laughing so hard that they had to do the X to tell us the the noise level is too high. We had rules before we had start the show and our 2 rules were that you have to always be seated on your bottom so that the person at the back of us could see properly and the last rule was to keep the noise level down so that  they can keep the story going and they won't have to stop.

I liked it when it was Emmy’s birthday because 5 people got to volunteer to be the wrapping paper and a lot of people put their hands up and Duffy picked  2 people from Rm3. Emmy had woken up from her sleep and it was her birthday and she went and woke up her dad Sonny Bill and Emmy poked his head to wake him up.  Emmy told her dad it was her birthday and asked where her birthday presents where. Her dad said that he got her a book named the best book in the world. Emmy loved her surprise, so Emmy asked her dad can I open it and the dad said yes so Emmy unwrapped the wrapping paper and she was so happy. It was the end of the show and they told us can you please sing along with us the DUFFY SONG and at the end we sang it and we were so happy and we went back to class for hometime... I was so happy to have the Duffy theatre show I felt good.                                                            

Cinquin Poem 2

Ice Cream

Nice, Yummy

Eating, Licking, Melting

They are very sticky
